14 December 2019

VitaCheat Basic Search

Post kali ni nak ajar macam mana aku search dan edit HEX code menggunakan VitaCheat 

1. Install Vitacheat kalau masih belum ada
2. Launch game 
3. Aku nak edit SP yang bernilai 5 tu.
4. Launch VitaCheat dengan Left Trigger + Right directional button
5. Masukkan nilai 5 (dec), tekan  Square kalau ada tulisan (hex) untuk tukar ke (dec) 
6. Pilih 8bit, 16bit, atau 32bit. 
7. Klik search. 

8. Kembali kepada game dengan tekan Right Trigger + Right directional button
9. Kurangkan atau naikkan nilai SP tu kepada nilai yang tak sama dengan nilai awal tadi SP 5. Contoh, upgrade skill atau beli/jual barang. Kat bawah ni, SP aku dah berkurang jadi 3.
10. Kembali ke VitaCheat, tukar nilai 5dec tadi kepada 3dec. Search sekali lagi. 

11. Ulang sampai tinggal 1, atau seminima mungkin. Senang kalau kurang dari 5.
12. Contoh aku dapat 2 shortlist
13. Tekan Triangle untuk show record list. 
14. Mula dari atas, tekan Triangle, dan edit nilai HEX. Tekan Cross untuk kembali & automatik akan save editing tadi. 
15. Kembali kepada game, semak baki. Adakala skrin tak refresh, korang kena keluar dari menu game, atau tukar halaman. Kemudian kembali ke screen tadi semula. 
16. Kalau tak berjaya, sangat rekomen untuk kembalikan nilai HEX yang diubah tadi kepada nilai asal. Game kemungkinan akan crash kalau tak tukar semula. 
17. Kalau berjaya. SP akan mengikut nilai editing tadi

18. Korang boleh save cheats list tadi dengan tekan Select untuk export ke  Cheat List. Dalam ni, korang boleh rename cheat, dan save dengan tolak analog kiri ke atas dan tekan Circle. 

1. Jangan search 2x, shortlist code kemungkinan akan terlepas carian kedua. 
2. Jangan guna fungsi Lock dalam Cheat List. Kadang kala, game auto save, Lepastu dia load nilai yang mustahil, game akan Crash. Korang kena padam fail cheat tu. Leceh nak cari. 

07 November 2019

Nintendo Wii

Hi semua,

2 bulan lepas aku ada beli konsol terpakai .
Harga dah lupa. Anggaran RM 400.
Siap hardware mod dan software mod.
Malangnya konsol ni tidak disertakan dengan kad SD.  Jadi aku tak tahu app apa yang dia guna.  Dan aku tak tahu macam mana nak guna fungsi jailbreak ni 100%.

I'm starting from scratch!

Ok.  Sedikit info tentang Nintendo Wii ni. 

  1. Software dan hardware mod 
  2. Ver. 4.3U

Sekian dahulu buat kali ini. 

31 October 2019

Saga FL Tukar Compressor


Baru baru ni compressor Saga FL aku dah kong.
Terus loose.  Nasib baik tak jem enjin.

Sempena kempen #BMF ni, aku usaha la cari workshop melayu islam sampai ke SP nu.  
Balik naik grab. Malam depa hantar kereta mai rumah.
Alhamdulillah aircond kembali sejuk.

Melayang RM990.
Hangpa tengok la kat bawah tu.

New Post From Blogger Pro


Ini post menggunakan Blogger Pro app.

- Simple interface
- Nampak Labels
- Nampak Status Live atau Draft
- Save draft 

- Tak boleh save post offline

About this app

The full power of Blogger on your hands

Blogger Pro gives you the full power of Google's Blogger platform on the go.
You can manage your free blogspot blog from anywhere.


* Material Design
* Format and align text
* Add multiple pictures on posts and pages
* Create blog posts including viewing, updating and deleting
* Create blog pages including viewing, updating and deleting
* View comments and moderate them (Approve, Mark as Spam, Delete and Empty)
* View blog stats (Page views by Week, Month and Year)

Premium Features:
* Disable Ads
* Schedule post publishing
* Add location to posts
* Advanced editor features (Font, Font Size, Heading Type, Text Color, Text Backcolor)
* HTML Editor


Google plus:

29 June 2019

Excel VBA : Search and Change Comments Box Using VBA


Jadi malam ni aku buat VBA untuk search and tukar comments box.


Sub changecommentbox2()

Dim rng As Range, cell As Range
Set rng = Range("D6:IW42")

For Each cell In rng
    'Selection.ShapeRange.AutoShapeType = msoShapeRectangle
    If Selection.Comment Is Nothing Then
        'MsgBox "Has no comment"
        'MsgBox "There is comment in box"
        'Selection.Comment.Text "Ladida"
        Selection.Comment.Shape.Select True
        Selection.ShapeRange.AutoShapeType = msoShapeRectangle
    End If

Next cell

End Sub

22 March 2019


Source : http://en.miui.com/thread-1286611-1-1.html


Hello readers, in this guide, i'll give you the easiest way to porting rom for your device,
i've broken my porting record by ported 5 roms in less than 1 hour using this method,
have enjoy and hope it'll works for you too

What you need ?
- Rom base (CM or AOSP)
- Rom port (any roms that you like to port and must be CM or AOSP based)
- Apktool (for compiling .apk and .jar files)
- Note++ (for editing .txt and .xml files)
- Winrar or 7zip (for extracting and repacking rom)
- dsixda's Android Kitchen, you really need this to Port MIUI, PAC, and Slimrom
- Open mind and never give up to trying

1. Find the rom port with similar CPU like your device, clock speed doesn't matter here,
the important is the number of CPU Cores, if your device is single core, find the single core rom,
dual-core with dual-core, etc
2. Forget about screen sizes(4, 5, or 7 inci), the important is screen DPI(pixels destiny)
you can port rom from tablet or devices that have bigger/smaller screen sizes
> etc
3. Same Android SDK version(Check in build.prop)
Example, you can port Android 4.4.3 using Android 4.4.2
4. GSM and GSM, CDMA and CDMA
Step by step

Extract booth of the roms(rom base and rom port)

> In rom port folder <
1. Delete all files and folders except "system" folder
2. Delete these folders and files in system
> tts
> usr
> vendor
> build.prop
3. Delete these folders in system/etc
> Bluetooth
> Firmware (if exist)
> Wifi
4. Delete these folders in system/lib
> hw
> modules
5. Go to system/framework
> Open framework-res.apk
> Go to res/xml
> Replace storage-list.xml with your rom base

> In rom base folder <
1. Copy all files and folders except "system" to rom port folder
2. Copy these folders and files in system folder to rom port system folder
> tts
> usr
> vendor
> build.prop
3. Copy these folders in system/etc to rom port system/etc
> Bluetooth
> Firmware (if exist)
> Wifi
4. Copy these folders in system/lib to rom port system/lib
> hw
> modules
Repack the rom then flash it in the recovery
Now the rom port should booted(to menu) now, not stuck on bootanimation anymore
if you still stuck on bootanimation, check bootclasspath in boot.img, unpack it,
and check in "init.environ.rc", use note++ to edit it, there's must be something miss there
If the rom doesn't boot to menu or stuck on manufacturer logo(LG, Sony, Samsung, etc),
find the same rom port from other devices. I've this experience while porting Liquid Smooth,
then i used other devices and it's booted

For porting MIUI Kitkat, you need to unpack boot.img from both roms, then do these
- Copy paste init.miui.rc from rom port to rom base ramdisk folder
- Open init.rc from both roms, then compare it, there's some line you need to be edited...

->Trouble Shooting

Now, to fix some issues in rom port, do these...

1. Information about rom
Open build.prop from booth of the rom then edit information just like the rom port
You can edit these lines in build.prop

# begin build properties
# autogenerated by buildinfo.sh
# end build properties
ro.modversion= > replace with rom port
ro.cm.version= > you can delete this
and the other lines relating information about rom

2. RIL
Replace these files in rom port with your rom base files
And add any files with "ril" in the name of file

3. Sensor
Replace these files in rom port with your rom base files

4. WiFi
Replace these files in rom port with your rom base files

5. Missing files
You have to copy the rest of files in base rom to port rom to make rom better,
but don't replace it if the files/folders was exist

6. Files can be replace in your ported rom using files from base rom

>lge-ril.so (for LG devices)

7. Video streaming
> libstagefright.so
and all libs with "libstagefright" of the lib's name

Thank You.Please Hit Thanks! If You Like My Thread!

19 January 2019